Ecohubs uplift various communities by solving local environmental challenges.

Our Planet
Innovative tech and
eco-friendly practices
in sustainable aquaculture.

Can Trust
Ensuring food safety and
quality with strict
standards and innovation.
Our Ecohub Countries
Making Waves in Aquaculture
Our EcoHubs are the hotspots for innovation. We’re merging cutting-edge tech with eco-friendly practices to create waves in sustainable aquaculture!
Akosombo, Ghana
Tropical savanna ; few farms; no climate tech; high unemployment; fish products; targets women & youth.
Hathala , Kenya
Temp: 20-30°C; moderate rain; flat lands; targets women and youth; high unemployment & social challenges.
Magu, Tanzania
Temp: 18-35°C; moderate rain; springs and rivers; rice, maize, cotton; feed quality, fish protein demand.
Abbassa, Egypt
Semi-desert; land and water scarcity, mainly dependent on fresh Nile water; increasing demand for aquaculture products.
Living Labs
Where Nature Meets Innovation
Lake Victoria, Tanzania (Sengerema): Rainfall 700-1200 mm/year. Livelihoods: fishing, small-scale cage farming, paddy, cattle, maize. Soil: medium to poor fertility, poor water retention. Challenges: declining fish catches, land scarcity, high population density, excessive livestock.
Keeping Track
Work Packages
We organize our projects into precise, manageable segments, driving efficiency and innovation.
Production in ECOHUBS and cages
1.1 Operational and financial management
1.2 Monitoring project progress
1.3 Internal project meeting
1.4 Project management tool
1.5 Ethical, gender and environment issues
Establishing Four ECOHUBS
2.2 Construction of ponds
2.3 Installation of the processing rooms
Production in ECOHUBS and cages
3.2 Production of sustainable feeds
3.3 Post-harvest handling and processing
3.4 Optimizing living LAB aquaculture cages
Production/processing spirulina
4.2 Innovative processing of spirulina
Production/processing insects
5.2 Sustainable harvesting of wild locusts
5.3 Sustainable processing of products
Up-cycling waste nutrients
6.1 Novel products: solar drying/extrusion
6.2 Non-conventional value-added products
Fish/spirulina/insect validation
7.2 Sensory nutritional and acceptability
7.3 Consumer/socio-economic analysis
7.4 Consumer acceptance
7.5 Environmental assessment
7.6 Certification programme
Training and Dissemination
8.2 Data/knowledge management infrastructure
8.3 Design/Development of training material
8.4 Training activities
8.5 Dissemination and liaison activities
8.6 Business model for ECOHUBS
Countdown to Milestone Achievement
"Revolutionizing Africa's future through sustainable aquaculture and innovative technology, fostering resilience and prosperity across the continent."
"Sustainable aquaculture feeds the world."