02 July 2024
Event Types
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Lavanta Tepesi Hotel, Burdur Mehmet Akif University, Burdur,Turkey.

About event

European Horizon Project, INNOECOFOOD – is an initiative focusing on eco-innovative technologies to enhance nutrition, promote sustainable production, and facilitate the marketing of agroecological food products in 6 countries in Africa. By design of the project, the consortium partners will be meeting after every 6 months highlight project implementation milestones.

The ‘6M’ (the second} meeting of the project is scheduled happen on 2nd and 6th of July 2024. This meeting will be hosted and organized by the institution; Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (BMAEU}, TURKEY, the partnering institution of the project, and will take place at The Lavender Hill Hotel located in the central campus of BMAEU, Burdur, TURKEY.
Project partners will attend this meeting to discuss the implementation of the project in detail and to meet with all the consortium members. Partners will share the outcomes of their deliverables, best practices, challenges they have encountered and workable solutions that be adopted to put the project implementation on strack.
The convening will give new directions and commitments for the project achieve the intended goal.